SQUEE! Launch Day – Desert Runner –

Blurb – Desert Runner – Puatera Online – Book 1

Book link – https://www.amazon.com/Desert-Runner-Puatera-Online-Book-ebook/dp/B0756BNGHD

An NPC story.
With her pain potions in short supply, Maddie accepts a deadly job, pick up a package in Trox City and cross the desert plains to Port Troli. The only issues – an unwanted passenger and Tromoal breeding season.




Bio – Dawn Chapman


Dawn Chapman has been creating sci-fi and fantasy stories for thirty years. Until 2005 when her life and attention turned to scripts, and she started work on The Secret King, a 13-episode Sci-Fi TV series, with a great passion for this medium. In 2015, Dawn returned to her first love of prose where she revelled in the world of The Secret King, Letháo and First Contact, as an epic prose space journey over 3 generations. This year her experience of working with Producers/Directors from the US and AUS has expanded. From Drama, Sci-Fi, Action, to Litrpg. Dawn’s built a portfolio of writing, consulting and publishing.

Author Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/kanundra

Amazon Profile – https://www.amazon.com/Dawn-Chapman/e/B014A0RUBC

Twitter Link – https://twitter.com/kanundra


Audiobook Review – The Tower of Zhaal

Straight onto the second! Excellent work, this one was so much better in my eyes because I loved where these characters went!

“Better and Better!”

I was glad that I had this one to listen to after the first ended. Of course, it’s a stand alone book and felt very organic. But I wanted more from this world. Glad CT Phipps delivered with this, I also believe there’s a third coming sometime soon. 🙂

I am not very up with Cthulhu and their myths and legends, of course, this just made me want to dig into this very weird and terrifying world.

The Tower of Zhaal kicks off with just as much action as the first. Where Booth and Mercury are kidnapped and taken to save the world. A Very weird way of asking, but I can also see why the society might need to do it this way.

What I really enjoyed about this, was that even though we thought Booth and Mercury couldn’t get more involved, the character development around these two was still exemplary. So deep and emotional that I felt for their relationship as odd as it was, and as loving as it seemed.

I still think every woman Booth comes across is one he’s been in love with at some point, and the re-introduction of his wife made this much more interesting. So many things to go wrong, so much to lose.

This book will defo have you on the edge of your seat, high action, high horror. Booth changes a lot, not just physically as he embraces the person he really is, or the alien that he is, but also on a mental level. And I really liked this about him. There was a great strength in him and it showed in his decision and of course, some non-decision as life just seemed to roll on around him.

I admit getting to know these characters made a better impact on me storywise, it flowed on from the first, kept me hanging and engage, and emotionally invested. The monsters were terrifying, the world so detailed I thought I was there…

When’s the next one out! I’m having a book hangover… Although I am starting on the super villainy books, it won’t be the same. : (

Great, great job. Thank you for the entertainment guys!

New Release – Lost Archive – LitRPG


Book Blurb:


Enter the Veil? [Yes/No]

Winston Beckett is a linguistic scholar, poring over musty manuscripts and ancient translations. That is, before he finds a book of magical runes. Before people start disappearing.

When he deciphers the strange book, Winston discovers a secret so big it throws him into a different world. Literally.

No more grading papers. No more research. No more work. Just him and The Veil, the eerily realistic game world he falls into.

Desperate to find his missing colleagues, Winston must navigate this strange new world, using only his wits to survive. Quests, skills, and loot await him…if he’s up to the task.

Along the way, he’ll need to fight enemies, recruit allies, and go on a journey of magic and adventure. And at the end? Well, let’s just say he won’t be the same person he started as.

Lost Archive is a LitRPG Adventure and first in the VeilWalkers series.

Buy Links:


Author Bio:

Isaac Winter is a full-time geek and part-time writer from California. A long time gamer and fantasy nerd, Isaac found his new favorite genre when discovering LitRPG. When the voices in his head wouldn’t be quiet anymore, he decided to start writing stories about those characters. He enjoys a warm cup of tea and a good book, and lives with his partner and cat on a radioactive island (no really!)

You can find him on the web at his author page: http://author.to/isaacwinter

Or on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/isaacwinterbooks

Or Twitter: http://twitter.com/litrpglibrary

Or even Patreon, if you’re so inclined: http://patreon.com/litrpglibrary

New Release – Soldier of Cortanis



Ghosts of Cortanis


Tides of Cortanis is the most successful online game of all time, with fifteen million players sharing a vast, fantastic science fiction realm. Naomi René hides from her depression and loneliness by playing in Cortanis as her character Vanda, fighting space battles and going on adventures with a close-knit group of online friends. She is stunned to learn that her best friend, Peter, has died while playing.

But when Peter mysteriously appears in the virtual game world, not even the game developers can explain where he came from or what he is.

Naomi must go deep into the game’s darkest corners to find out what happened to Peter. What she finds forces her to confront her own demons… demons of her past she can’t hide from anymore.

Not if she is to escape Peter’s fate.


Demons of Cortanis


Naomi has taken a job working for the video game company that produces Tides of Cortanis, the most successful online game of all time. Her SimMind, LEM, has disappeared into the game world and joined up with Soulless, a notorious group of artificially-intelligent entities like him.

When a player is killed by a hoax SWAT call on his house, Officer Jon Temple hears the victim’s dying word: “Soulless.” Furious that he’s been used to murder someone, Jon swears he will find who is responsible and bring them to justice.

Jon and Naomi unite to search for the killer together, but the deeper they dig into the game’s secrets, the more they risk becoming the next targets. Naomi must learn how to be as strong as her game character, Vanda, if she’s going to find out who is killing players… and survive what’s coming for her.


Soldier of Cortanis


Having discovered the horrific secret of Cortanis, Naomi and Jon are on the run, carrying the hibernating A.I. Trepatia and desperate to deliver her to the only man in the world who can help them: the mysterious billionaire Scott Yotta.

Hunted across half the country by her own government, Naomi finds herself embracing and manifesting the strengths of her game character, Vanda, to stay alive and do what has to be done. Yotta’s audacious plan depends on Vanda’s bravery and resolve to carry out her daring, dangerous mission.

But nothing can prepare her to face the international assassin hired to track her down and kill her.

You can find C.J. Wieland – at –

New Release – Tales from the Tower

Something old is becoming something new over at Inklings Press. The first year of anthologies from the small press is being collected into one volume. Tales From The Tower collects the fantasy anthology Tales From The Tavern and the horror collection Tales From The Mists – and this time, it’s out in paperback as well as ebook.

The book includes short stories from Alei Kotdaishura, Brent A. Harris, Matthew Harvey, Ricardo Victoria, Morgan Porter and Leo McBride – and is available on Amazon now at myBook.to/Tower .

Paperback versions of the other Inklings Press collections are also expected in the near future – so follow @InklingsPress on Twitter for more updates.