AudioBook Review – We are Legion. We are Bob


I was so excited that this turned to an audiobook! this is one of the greatest projects I’ve had the joy of being part of. Even be it a tiny part of.

Huge congrats to Dennis for this amazing world. And I hope lots of others will join me and Bob on this journey!

Review as follows

“Exciting new sci fi!”


Full disclosure. I had the wonderful opportunity to read some of this in one of my author crit groups, but I was super excited to then learn of it as an audiobook! Especially read by Ray Porter, who I enjoyed for some of his other works. So I had to go and buy this. 🙂

Dennis’s Bobiverse was a little strange at first. But, you’re soon taken in by the wonderful humour of Bob and the weird circumstances he’s got himself into and has to keep himself sane from…. I admit there’s a lot going on, and there are some ‘Bob’s I like more than others. But that’s to be expected. They are all so different…. and of course as a trecky fan I love Ryker. And Homer 🙂

This really was a joy to be a part of and an excellent listen. I think my only gripe was the story seemed to have really gotten going, and then it ended. Of course, it’s that vast and large a world, as in the whole universe, that there is much more scope for Bob and his replicants, and the last few survivors from Earth.

An excellent story for any sci fi lovers, this is something very different, full of science, and things I don’t understand, but loved learning about.

Thank you Dennis and Ray… and hurry up with Bob 2! I can’t wait.

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