New Release – Lost Archive – LitRPG


Book Blurb:


Enter the Veil? [Yes/No]

Winston Beckett is a linguistic scholar, poring over musty manuscripts and ancient translations. That is, before he finds a book of magical runes. Before people start disappearing.

When he deciphers the strange book, Winston discovers a secret so big it throws him into a different world. Literally.

No more grading papers. No more research. No more work. Just him and The Veil, the eerily realistic game world he falls into.

Desperate to find his missing colleagues, Winston must navigate this strange new world, using only his wits to survive. Quests, skills, and loot await him…if he’s up to the task.

Along the way, he’ll need to fight enemies, recruit allies, and go on a journey of magic and adventure. And at the end? Well, let’s just say he won’t be the same person he started as.

Lost Archive is a LitRPG Adventure and first in the VeilWalkers series.

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Author Bio:

Isaac Winter is a full-time geek and part-time writer from California. A long time gamer and fantasy nerd, Isaac found his new favorite genre when discovering LitRPG. When the voices in his head wouldn’t be quiet anymore, he decided to start writing stories about those characters. He enjoys a warm cup of tea and a good book, and lives with his partner and cat on a radioactive island (no really!)

You can find him on the web at his author page:

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Or even Patreon, if you’re so inclined:

New Release – Soldier of Cortanis



Ghosts of Cortanis


Tides of Cortanis is the most successful online game of all time, with fifteen million players sharing a vast, fantastic science fiction realm. Naomi René hides from her depression and loneliness by playing in Cortanis as her character Vanda, fighting space battles and going on adventures with a close-knit group of online friends. She is stunned to learn that her best friend, Peter, has died while playing.

But when Peter mysteriously appears in the virtual game world, not even the game developers can explain where he came from or what he is.

Naomi must go deep into the game’s darkest corners to find out what happened to Peter. What she finds forces her to confront her own demons… demons of her past she can’t hide from anymore.

Not if she is to escape Peter’s fate.


Demons of Cortanis


Naomi has taken a job working for the video game company that produces Tides of Cortanis, the most successful online game of all time. Her SimMind, LEM, has disappeared into the game world and joined up with Soulless, a notorious group of artificially-intelligent entities like him.

When a player is killed by a hoax SWAT call on his house, Officer Jon Temple hears the victim’s dying word: “Soulless.” Furious that he’s been used to murder someone, Jon swears he will find who is responsible and bring them to justice.

Jon and Naomi unite to search for the killer together, but the deeper they dig into the game’s secrets, the more they risk becoming the next targets. Naomi must learn how to be as strong as her game character, Vanda, if she’s going to find out who is killing players… and survive what’s coming for her.


Soldier of Cortanis


Having discovered the horrific secret of Cortanis, Naomi and Jon are on the run, carrying the hibernating A.I. Trepatia and desperate to deliver her to the only man in the world who can help them: the mysterious billionaire Scott Yotta.

Hunted across half the country by her own government, Naomi finds herself embracing and manifesting the strengths of her game character, Vanda, to stay alive and do what has to be done. Yotta’s audacious plan depends on Vanda’s bravery and resolve to carry out her daring, dangerous mission.

But nothing can prepare her to face the international assassin hired to track her down and kill her.

You can find C.J. Wieland – at –

Sci Fi Blog Hop – Author Interview – H T Lyon

As part of the Sci Fi blog hop I’m excited to have a new writer aboard for today, here’s my interview with the fab H T Lyon.




I am aspiring writer of science fiction. A futurist with a keen interest in where our society is heading, I tend focus most of my attention on stories that examine the direction our society is taking or that shows where we could end up. Optimistic my nature, I believe that one day we will look to settle the Solar System as we outgrow our planet and some of my stories examine how this could look. Currently, I have a number of novels underway and some short stories. My aim is to get one of these up and published before the end of the year around the other commitments that exist in my life.


Questions –

How often do you write, and do you have a special time during the day to write?

I write when I can. Having Google Docs (and before that One Note) is a great way to make writing portable. I should be able to pick up a device and get writing but I do seem to need some quiet space to get into it. Nanowrimo was a great motivation to get writing. I’d write in my lunchtime and in the evening and whenever I could. I hit the target and it’s the most productive I’ve ever been. I try to write once a day but sometimes only manage once a week. If there was any chance I could make to my writing, it would be to write more often. Style be damned if you don’t have the words to start with!

For your own reading, do you prefer ebooks or traditional paper/hard back books?

Personally, I’ve grown up with paper books so I am more comfortable reading them. I would prefer to be more comfortable with ebooks though. They are more environmentally friendly and also, it would be nice to be more comfortable reading using the platform I primarily intend to publish in. Weight for weight, the ebook has the advantage. You could take one paper book on a long plane flight but for the same weight, 1,000 ebooks. I can and have read books in ebook format and enjoyed them immensely. The main difference I find is that I am a lot faster when reading a paper book.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing as far as content?

The number one challenge for me is injecting personality into my characters. I really struggle there, I want them to pop out and I haven’t managed to get into the space where I can get into the moment and inhabit a character shoes, especially where the character is unlike myself. I do find the best way to get over this is to carry on with the draft and let the actions define the characters. The needs of the plot eventually sorts this out for me! The thing I then need to deal with is their voice. It’s not point the villain and the hero having the same speech patterns!

Do you remember the first story you ever read, and the impact it had on you?

The first story I remember reading that had a major impact on me was Lord of the Rings. It was a massive book and I tried several times to follow in my brother’s footsteps and read the damn thing but I could never really get it started. Then one day I flipped to page 119 (I think) and was immediately in the battle for Weathertop from then on, I made it all the way through and had enough context to get through the beginning again! What I took from it was amazement that someone could create a world like that and an amazement that I could get lost in it. I think my friends heard about the book for months after that!

Did you have any ideas about being a writer that becoming a writer changed?

I always thought that writing was a job like being an accountant; people would learn to do it and then become good. Being around writers online has certainly been an education. Even the experienced of us struggle. Its the ultimate creative exercise. You can become better at it but it will always be something that is hard. For anyone standing at the edge and wondering whether to give it a go, I encourage you to do so. It only takes one positive reaction and it all becomes worthwhile.