Amazon Buy Basket – ADD TO CART

Great thoughts and ideas to battle this. Thank you 🙂

Plaisted Publishing

badge-686321_1920Yes I have seen the blogs, the posts on Facebook and everyone panicking and scrambling to see what can be done.  Meanwhile, at Plaisted Publishing, I am calmly watching on to see what people do.  Well that was until a client asked me about what they should do.

Most of you know by now that the Buy Basket isn’t necessarily going to mean you are buying a book from Amazon. You could be buying from a third-seller and not get paid. This is where the panic starts. 

There are several things a publisher and a author can do, depending on how they are set up.  Most of us on Amazon use Createpace as our PRINT Supplier. This is where we get paid our royalty.  First of all when you publish your book most authors tick all the sales channels which include extended distribution.  This extended distribution is…

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